
Give Steel is an awards winner

Give Steel has been awarded numerous prizes and titles over the years; as a company, for specific projects and for management.


Apprenticeship of the Year 2024 in Aarhus

We have achieved the prestigious recognition of being named Apprenticeship of the Year 2024, based on a nomination by our culinary apprentice, Julija Lukoseviciene.


DI Prize 2023

His Royal Highness Crown Prince Frederik presented to Torben Larsen the 2023 Confederation of Danish Industry Prize for his extraordinary efforts in aiding precariously employed or unemployed young people and in making a difference in our communities.


The Icefjord Centre, Danish Steel Award

In November 2022, The Isfjord Centre, to which Give Steel has supplied the steel structure, won this year’s Steel Award. The Danish Steel Award is awarded by the Danish Steel Institute.


Bandyhall, Tekla BIM Awards

In May 2022, the project was nominated for a Tekla BIM Award for the 3D modeling Give Steel BIM & Structural Design in Poland performed on the project. In June 2022, the project received the award for best modeling in the category “Sport & Recreation” by a professional jury.

The structure was impressive because of its dimensions 112 x 80 x 24 m, the weight of 814 tons, and huge tie rods. The tension bars were among one of the largest assembled by Give Steel – they reached 85 mm in diameter, and one 6-meter-long bar weighed over 250 kg.


Initiative Award

In April, Give Steel’s owners won the local Business Council’s Initiative Award 2022

The award, presented by Herning & Ikast-Brande Business Council, is a tribute to prominent personalities who have made a remarkable contribution. Partly in own company and for the local area in general.


Inspiration Award

In November, Torben Larsen won this year’s Inspiration Award in South and Southern Jutland.

The prize is awarded by EY Entrepreneur of the Year in collaboration with Erhverv + and is given to a business leader in the region for a special commitment and a special significance for the business community locally / regionally.


Postgrunden, Tekla BIM Awards

In May, Give Steel BIM & Structural Design was nominated for two projects for the Tekla BIM Award. In June 2021, the 3D model for Postgrunden won the audience award. Give Steel has delivered 1,648 composite beams for the project, where each individual composite beam is individually designed. A total of 3,095 tonnes of steel construction has been delivered for the project.


CSR People Prize

Give Steel won the year’s CSR People Prize in the ”Companies with more than 250 employees” category.

The prize is awarded by CABI (Cabi is an autonomous institution established by the Danish Ministry of Employment to provide information that focuses on an inclusive labour market) and celebrates companies that make an extraordinary contribution towards social responsibility.

The award was accompanied by words of praise from the jury, whose choice of award-winner was based on Give Steel’s broad social efforts in the recruitment, protection and retention of employees from the fringes of the labour market, making a difference and achieving results.


Torben Larsen, Owner-manager of the Year

Torben Larsen was one of the three owner-managers in Central Jutland who were awarded the “Owner-manager of the Year 2020” prize in October 2020. Torben Larsen received his award for his contribution to society and the community during a difficult time. While walking the Corona tightrope, Torben was able to make the word “crisis” a non-sequitur at Give Steel, while maintaining focus on business, taking social responsibility and reassuring worried employees.


Illulissat Isfjordcenter, Tekla BIM Award

In May 2020, this project on the west coast of Greenland was nominated for a Tekla BIM Award for the 3D modelling done by Give Steel’s BIM and Design Department in Poland on the project. In June 2020, the project received the award for the modelling of the triangular steel frames, which help to bring focus on climate change in Greenland in an area of outstanding natural beauty.


K.B. Hallen, European Steel Design Prize Awards of Merit

The European Steel Design Awards of Merit are awarded by The European Convention on Constructional Steelwork (ECCS). The international committee of judges responsible for selecting award winners emphasised the structure’s simplicity, where steel arches support concrete elements and are part of both the roof and deck structure. This brings added strength to large column-free spans and a high degree of robustness.


Give Steel, Børsen Gazelle

Børsen is a Danish business-oriented newspaper and defines “gazelle” companies as follows: A company that has had continuous growth in revenue or gross profit over the past four financial years, and which has overall more than doubled its revenue or gross profit during the period.


Torben Larsen & Teil Bechmann, Industrial Workplace Environment top management award for the Industry

The award is given for investment in, commitment to and working strategically on health and safety and well-being. Torben Larsen and Teil Bechmann received the award for creating a balance between a safe working environment and a healthy business.