Dong Energy
Den nye atriumgård hos Dong Energy, Teknikerbyen i Virum er ganske enkelt imponerende.
Den fantastiske trampe giver rummet en helt speciel rumfølelse og synlige loftspær under glas kommer til at pryde atriumgårdens himmel. Der er tale om en totalløsning fra Give Steel, der har leveret den flotte trampe samt 140.000 kg stålspær. Stålkonstruktionerne inkluderede loftspær og store gitterspær med HEM-profiler pga. dynamisk laster, der er til stede grundet den store trampe.
Dahl Entreprise har været entreprenør på byggeriet, som står færdigt i december 2013. Dong Energy flyttede ind i foråret 2014.
Dong Energy
The new atrium building at Dong Energy in the Technical Village in Virum is simply impressive.
The amazing stepped ramp brings a unique feeling to the space, with the visible under glass ceiling beams adorning the “sky” of the atrium itself. This is a Give Steel total solution, to which Give Steel has supplied the spectacular stepped ramp and 140,000kg of steel beams. The steel structures included ceiling trusses and large HEM profiled trusses, which were selected because of the dynamic loads resulting from the massive stepped ramp.
Dahl Entreprise was the construction contractor for this project, which was finished in December 2013. Dong Energy moved in during the spring of 2014.