Climate accounting – a prerequisite for ambitious climate goals

Give Steel was the first with an EPD – environmental product declaration – among competitors. Now is the time to look at the CO>sub>2 footprint that we set as a company. We have prepared a climate statement setting 2021 as the baseline. In addition to giving stakeholders a better insight into our emissions, it also gives us the opportunity to look inward and evaluate where we can reduce our emissions in the future. We operate in an industry where CO2 figures are not commonplace, but we see it as our noblest task to push to initiate climate documentation with our suppliers. It takes time. And it is not easy, because we are subject to decisions from other parties. But only in this way can we contribute to the industry’s green transformation.

Download Carbon Footprint 2023

Carbon footprint divided into Scopes

Scopes 2023 (t CO2 -e)
Scope 1 1.710
Scope 2 951
Scope 3 90.390
Total 93.051

Top five emission contributors




Scope 1, 2 & 3

2021 marks the first year and thereby the baseline of carbon footprint reporting for Give Steel. Give Steel’s own activities account for approximately 4% of the emissions across our full value chain.

The internal emissions are known as Scope 1 and 2 and come from energy in the form of electricity and heat that is used at our factory in Brande and offices in Denmark and Poland. The remaining 96% of CO2 emissions come from activities outside our own operations – Scope 3.

The CO2-heavy activity is primarily from raw materials, distribution of our steel structures and employees’ transport to and from work.
Going forward, Give Steel will monitor and report CO2 emissions every year to track our progress and create more transparency in our operations.